Un Piano Nobile per un Uomo Alto (A Noble Plan for a Tall Man) is an analysis of the psychological power of wealth,  a performance about the hypnosis/desire I can feel in the presence of a VERY rich man. When I learn that I am near a very rich man a feeling begins to grow inside me. I think I might be able to get something too. In the performance, this feeling is jammed up against a recited text, a memory of a maybe now-impossible rhetoric in the form of the essay What is the People by English journalist William Hazlitt.  This essay is a sustained diatribe against illegitimate power.
For Un Piano Nobile per un Uomo Alto, I was lucky enough to find a real-live VERY rich man who would stand right next to me on the stage.

Link to trailer: https://vimeo.com/203119474

Link to the full performance: https://vimeo.com/203117150

Required password: laborsite

Tom Johnson, 2016

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